The Corona virus has dramatically changed our way of life and shown us how fragile our existance is on this earth, but it does not have to prevent someone from hiring an auto accident attorney if they have been an injured in an auto accident.
The communication between attorney and client can be done via phone. At the Troutman Law Office, I give my client's my personal cell phone so that they can easily call or text me regarding their claim. Documents need to be signed to begin the attorney's representation and that can be accomplished via email if the client has the ability to scan and email documents from home. If the client does not have the capability to scan and email documents, then documents can be exchanged through the U.S. Postal Service or another mail carrier. Typically, the Troutman Law Office will mail the documents to the client with a return envelope that has postage so that the client can simply put the documents in the return envelope and place it in the mail.
Although, the Corona Virus should not prevent the vicitim of a car accident from retaining a lawyer and prosecuting their claim, it does have a real impact on the client attempting to obtain medical care since many of the medical offices are closed. The client is left with home treatments until they can return for hands on treatment by medical providers. Hopefully that time will be soon. Until then, we must look for ways to take advantage of the down time that has been forced upon us.