What Are Your Responsibilities After a Car Accident in Kentucky?
KRS 189.580 describes the duty of someone involved in an car accident. If there is an injury, you are responsible for stopping and rendering aide to the victim. You must disclose the registration information on the vehicle to the others involved in the accident. If the accident happens on an interstate highway or parkway or on/off ramp and there are no injuries, you must move the vehicle off the roadway but stay close to the accident site.
Leaving the scene of an accident is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to $500 and one year in jail. If the accident involves the death or serious injury to another, the crime is upgraded to a Class D felony punishable up to $10,000.00 and 5 years in prison.
What Kind of Claim Can You Make for Personal Injuries if The At-Fault Party Leaves the Scene of The Accident?
If the police or insurance companies can locate the driver of the vehicle that left the scene of the accident, then the insurance on that vehicle can be used to satisfy the personal injury claims of all those involved in the accident. Even if the driver can be identified, he may have not purchased insurance on his or her vehicle (sometimes this is the reason they leave the scene of the accident). If the driver of the at fault vehicle cannot be identified or does not have insurance, then the only way the injured can make a personal injury claim is through an insurance coverage called “uninsured motorist.”
Uninsured motorist coverage is a common coverage found on most auto insurance policies and its purpose is to protect the policyholder from damages caused by uninsured motorists. You can purchase this coverage to protect your vehicle and your person. The uninsured motorist coverage that protects your person must be offered to you according to Kentucky law. If it is not offered, your insurance company will be required to provide it even though you did not purchase it. The insurance company must have you sign a rejection form, if you decide not to purchase it.
It is my strong recommendation that everyone purchase uninsured motorist coverage. It is inexpensive insurance coverage and it is frequently used by people suffering personal injuries in a motor vehicle accident. You would be surprised how many people drive cars with no insurance even though the law requires it.
Some people drive vehicles without registering their vehicles with the state as required by Kentucky law. However, I believe that most of the people driving uninsured vehicles have registered their vehicle. If they register their vehicle, they are required to provide proof of insurance. Most people that are uninsured purchase insurance to get past the registration process and then stop paying for the insurance. There is no system in place for catching these people and rescinding their vehicle registration.
Contact Kentucky Auto Accident Attorney!
The auto accident involving an uninsured driver will require the services of an experienced Kentucky auto accident attorney to investigate and locate all available evidence to determine liability and to maximize all insurance benefits available to the victims. Matthew Troutman, Kentucky Auto Accident Lawyer, of the Troutman Law Office has been handling auto accident claims, almost exclusively, since 1986 and has the experience and talent to obtain the best result for the victims in the above car accident.
If you need legal assistance due to a motor vehicle accident, contact Kentucky auto accident attorney Matthew Troutman directly at 859-696-0001 or 502-648-9507 and he will meet with you in the hospital, your home or wherever is convenient for you. He will give you direct access through his cell phone and guide you through the difficult process necessary to obtain the best result possible for you in your car accident claim. To learn more about Kentucky car accident attorney Matthew Troutman and the Troutman Law Office, click here.