Motorcyclist Dies As The Result of Accident In Campbell County, Kentucky
A 33-year-old Ohio man was killed in an accident with an automobile on Thursday, April 11, 2023. The accident took place on Alexandria Pike in between Beach Grove Road and East Nagel Road Connection in Campbell County, Kentucky. The accident happened when a pickup truck approached traffic stopped due to construction and rearended the motorcyclist stopped in front of the pickup. The accident took place just after a rise in the roadway.
There may be an issue of responsibility of the contractors working on the roadway for not warning motorists before the rise in the roadway. This accident is a reminder that we should always monitor the traffic behind us when we are stopped for any reason, especially where the speed limit is high. Although the motorcyclist is in no way at fault in this accident, he could have been looking behind as he was stopped and had the chance of getting out of the way if there was time enough to ascertain that the pickup was not stopping. When we are on the roadways, we have the best chance of surviving if we appreciate the danger associated with driving and never assume the other drivers will obey the laws of the roadway.
Kentucky Motorcyclists Should purchase Kentucky No-Fault Insurance.
Kentucky law requires Kentucky no-fault insurance coverage (also called PIP coverage) on all automobiles, but not motorcycles. The lack of PIP coverage can cause the motorcycle accident victim financial hardship on a couple different levels. First, PIP coverage offers a partial lost wage benefit of $200/week and this can be valuable to someone unable to work due to their injuries. Of course, motorcycle accidents involve significant physical injuries and it is likely that the motorcycle accident victim will be off work due to their injuries. Secondly, the existence of PIP coverage extends the statute of limitations for their personal injury claims. If the motorcycle accident victim fails to settle their claim or file a lawsuit within one-year from the date of the accident, they will lose their claim entirely against the at fault party. If they had PIP coverage, they would have at least 2 years to resolve their claim or file a lawsuit.
When buying motorcycle insurance make sure that you purchase significant amounts of uninsured motorist, underinsured motorist and PIP coverages. One of the coverages that you may be able to reduce is liability coverage if you do not plan on having passengers on your motorcycle. A motorcycle does not often cause significant damages or injuries to others and, therefore, significant liability limits may not be needed. Of course, if you take passengers on your motorcycle, then significant liability limits would be necessary because motorcycle passengers can experience significant injuries or death.
I am not positive why people, who can afford significant coverages on their automobile, fail to purchase similar coverages on their motorcycle. I suppose the main reason is to save money. The problem with this thought is that many of the coverages they are not buying are cheap. One such coverage is underinsured motorist coverage. This coverage is one of the most needed and used in auto accident claims because at fault drivers tend to have minimum limits of liability coverage. Underinsured motorist insurance allows you to buy protection against being injured by drivers who do not have enough insurance to satisfy your claim. Another reason people do not buy enough insurance on their motorcycle is because insurance agents fail to properly educate them on the coverages.
Motorcyclists in Kentucky should watch out for the short Statute of Limitations for Motorcyclists.
If you are like most operators of motorcycles in Kentucky, you did not purchase Kentucky no-fault coverage for your motorcycle. Kentucky law requires operators of cars and trucks to purchase no-fault coverage in order to drive on Kentucky roadways, but not motorcycles. If you did not purchase no-fault coverage on your motorcycle and you are involved in an accident, you only have one year from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit or lose your claim forever.
In contrast, had you purchased no-fault coverage, you would have two (2) years from the date of your last no-fault payment to file your lawsuit. This longer statute of limitations gives you the time you need to recover from your injuries so that you can present the strongest case possible to the insurance company. Additionally, it gives you the time needed to try and resolve your case with the insurance company without having to file a lawsuit.
It is prudent to purchase no-fault coverage for your motorcycle if for no other reason than to extend the statute of limitations. If you do not purchase no-fault, watch out for the one-year statute of limitations!
If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, you will require the services of an experienced Kentucky motorcycle accident attorney to investigate the cause of the accident and maximize all benefits available to the victims and their families. Matthew Troutman, a Kentucky motorcycle accident lawyer, of the Troutman Law Office has been handling motorcycle accident claims and auto accident claims, almost exclusively, since 1986 and has the experience and talent to obtain the best result for the victim in the above accident.
If you need legal assistance due to a motorcycle accident, contact Louisville motorcycle accident attorney Matthew Troutman directly at 502-648-9507 or 859-696-0001 and he will meet with you in the hospital, your home or wherever is convenient for you. He will give you direct access through his cell phone and guide you through the difficult process necessary to obtain the best result possible for you in your motorcycle accident claim. To learn more about Kentucky motorcycle accident attorney Matthew Troutman and the Troutman Law Office, click here.