Passing Vehicle Causes Accident in Clinton County, Kentucky
On Friday, January 14, 2023, at approximately 5 pm, a car accident resulted when a man from Eubank, KY attempted to pass a slower moving vehicle on US 127 in Albany, KY. The passing vehicle lost control as he attempted to avoid a collision with the vehicle he was passing and he struck another vehicle in the oncoming lane. The driver and the passenger in the passing vehicle lost their lives as result of the accident. The driver of the other vehicle involved in the collision was transported to University of Kentucky Hospital with life-threatening injuries. Prayers go out to all involved in this tragic accident.
The first decision to think about when considering the passing of another vehicle on a two-lane roadway is whether you are just being impatient. We all like to drive at a certain speed and when we encounter a vehicle in front of us, traveling at a slower speed, it annoys us. It is OK to be annoyed, but annoyance should not guide our decision-making. Realize that as soon as you enter the lane traveling in the opposite direction, any accident will be your fault because you do not have the right of way.
Do not attempt to pass vehicles at night. You simply cannot see well enough to do so safely. If you feel compelled to pass at night, make sure that as soon as you pass the vehicle that you turn on your bright lights to increase your ability to see hazards. Another bad decision is making a pass near an intersection where you cannot see the vehicles approaching the intersection.
Some obvious commonsense rules of guidance include only passing where the segmented line in the middle of the street allows for passing. Never pass another vehicle near a curve or bend in the roadway or before a hill or rise in the roadway. Only pass on a long straight-away where you can see for at least a quarter of a mile. Do not pass more than one vehicle and when you are making your pass make sure you get fairly close to the vehicle you are passing before making your move into the other lane. Do not pass vehicles where there is danger just off the roadway such as trees and water. Think about whether there will be an opportunity to get ahead of the vehicle at a later time without taking the risks involved with passing on a two-lane highway.
I wonder why the driver in passing vehicle in the Clinton County accident decided to make a risky pass around another vehicle. Was it just impatience? Was he just annoyed at not traveling the speed he wanted or, maybe, the driver thought it would be fun and exciting to make the pass. When I am stuck behind a vehicle traveling slower than I would prefer, I always tell myself that I can never get a speeding ticket in that situation and that is a good thing. Being late and alive is always a good thing too.
I think we would drive differently, if we truly appreciated the fact that driving a vehicle is a matter of life and death. After learning to drive, we take for granted that we will arrive at our destination safely. Even after we have been in a minor accident and time passes, we lose that sensitivity to the danger of driving a car near other cars. If we could somehow keep that sensitivity to the danger of what we are doing, then we would not be tempted to look at our cell phones, drive exceedingly fast, pass other vehicles or drink and drive. One of the reasons I like the highway memorials we see on our roadways is that they remind us that driving is a matter of life and death. We need to be closely paying attention to what we are doing and what the other drivers on the roadways are doing if we hope to arrive at our destination safely.
These circumstances will require the services of an experienced Kentucky car accident attorney to investigate the cause of the accident and maximize all benefits available to the victims in this auto accident. Matthew Troutman, a Kentucky car accident lawyer, of the Troutman Law Office has been handling auto accident claims, almost exclusively, since 1986 and has the experience and talent to obtain the best result for the victims in the above car accident. It is very likely that the at-fault driver will not have enough insurance to fully compensate the victims in this car accident, and, therefore, it will be important for there to be underinsured motorist benefits available.
If you need legal assistance due to a motor vehicle accident, contact Kentucky car accident attorney Matthew Troutman directly at 859-696-0001 or 502-648-9507 and he will meet with you in the hospital, your home or wherever is convenient for you. He will give you direct access through his cell phone and guide you through the difficult process necessary to obtain the best result possible for you in your car accident claim. To learn more about Kentucky car accident attorney Matthew Troutman and the Troutman Law Office, click here.